After School Advantage: At-Home Virtual Learning Spaces

At-Home Virtual Learning Spaces.

It’s all the rave these days. Almost every where you turn, especially on social media, moms and dads are looking for equipment and furniture to create the ideal learning spaces for their little ones.  As a homeschooler who in the initial stages started out doing school at home, I can so relate to their quest. A couple years in, I came to realize that it wasn’t necessary and so now we homeschool wherever and whenever since life is our classroom.

However, because this new normal may be a temporary one for many, I do understand the need to set up a space that is conducive to conventional learning and one that wouldn’t be too difficult to transition from when schools reopen. Even though they are at home, traditional schooling is still taking place.

Take a look at some of the spaces around our home that we use and hope will offer some ideas as well as a couple quick, easy and cost effective ways that you can create these spaces without breaking the bank.

Since the children are also adjusting and transitioning from school life as they knew it, the following points should be considered:
1. Their learning space needs to be comfortable but not too much. We don’t want them falling asleep during class, so beds and couches are a no no.
2. The space must be well lit and properly ventilated.
3. Keep distractions to a minimum. Since they are at home, it may be impossible to eradicate them totally but try your best.
4. Create a space that’s conducive to their learning style. Think standing desks etc for children who may not be able to sit still or for those who prefer movement. Believe it or not some children actually learn better this way and are able to retain the information for a longer period when not confined to their desks.

Moms and dads, the sky is the limit and when their virtual learning is complete, one clever way to reinforce what they have learned is through reading stories out loud to them about the topics that they covered that day or week. The stories can be fiction or non fiction. You can even make them up or share your own childhood experiences with them. They love that!
This can help under gird what was taught in school AND you would have filled their tanks with love and attention while doing so.