After School Advantage

After School Advantage: Discipline

  Thank you for joining us again for our fourth segment in the series. Today we review our discipline system…

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After School Advantage: Scheduling

Thank you for joining us again for our third segment in the series. Today we review our schedules and routines.…

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After School Advantage: At-Home Virtual Learning Spaces

At-Home Virtual Learning Spaces. It's all the rave these days. Almost every where you turn, especially on social media, moms…

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After School Advantage: Mind your Business

Mind your business aka your children! In Trinidad businesses aren't the only things that we mind. Our children are very…

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After School Advantage: Preparation

Thank you for joining us again for our second segment in the series. Today we talk about Preparation and why…

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After School Advantage: Managing Expectations

Most parents are very involved in their children's lives. On any given day, the average parent would ask their child,…

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After School Advantage: Child Development

The brain develops rapidly during the early years learning many skills during this time so it’s important to maximise their…

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