Ready! Set! Commit to Fit!

Let’s face it, commitment is tough. Whether it’s relationships, careers, healthy eating, or eliminating bad habits. They all have their challenges.

It’s a new year, and everyone has either tried a 21 day cleanse or decided to give up sweets, only to discover that your environment; home, school or work which once seemed so attractive with its weekly sweets, and pastries brought in by friends, family and co-workers now feels like a constant bondage ready to catch you in a moment of weakness.

Out of all the commitments we make, working out and maintaining a healthy diet can be one of the most difficult! Just think of those January days in the gym when the new year’s fitness jumbies and carnival gym junkies are out and ready to get in shape. What happens after March? Why does the gym go back to its normal capacity? Does enthusiasm run out?

How can we begin to commit to fit?

  1.  Firstly, write down your fitness goals and make it attainable.


Writing down your goals and sticking it where you can see it, makes you more likely to take them seriously! And be sure to start off small… Maybe you just want to be able to do 10 push-ups or run an entire Savannah.

  1.  Get everyone involved.

Getting in shape includes two main things: exercise, and healthy eating habits. Plan one activity a week that doesn’t feel like exercise but gets everyone moving. This can do wonders for the body without feeling like a mundane workout.

  1.  Find time in your schedule to be consistent with your workout!

It can be tricky fitting in a workout with an already busy schedule. But it can be done.. So find it! Sometimes early mornings work best. Once you start carving out the time and make it a part of your routine it will soon be easy to look at working out as just another part of your day.

  1.  Develop a variation of workouts and be flexible.

If you get too exhausted on one form of exercise you might lose the fight to keep going. So switch it up from time to time.

  1.  Focus on an event.

And if you can find others interested in said event, even better. Sometimes it is hard to commit to a mental goal, but when you have an actual event with an end date to work towards, it is a huge motivation to get out there and get moving.

  1.  Find your motivation & Commit to Fit with Dairy Dairy the Milky Milk.

What’s your why? Maybe you want to be able to keep up with your kids, or you want to be a positive role model for them; an example of a healthy lifestyle. Whatever your intention, stay committed. There will be tough days but you’ve got this! And remember to include Dairy Dairy Low Fat milk in your everyday recipes like this Cheesy Macaroni Pie