Working From Home

It can be tricky working from home during this time especially if you are used to co-workers or co-working spaces.

 Can you stay productive yet sane?

1. Set the scene

If you are not used to working from home, the first thing to do is to set up a designated space. Where can you work from that will allow you to have some quiet, provide good lighting and allow for good posture?

2. Start the morning off right!

Get into a routine and stick to it. Wake up, exercise or meditate, take a shower and get dressed. We know you are home but you might want to get out of the PJ’s and mentally prepare yourself for work.

We also recommend a healthy breakfast to get you energised and ready to go.

3. Work Smart

No one expects you to work a full 8hr day from home but you don’t want to waste time either.

Make a check list, prioritise and set deadlines.

4. Take a Break

Whether you are usually in the office chatting with a coworker or out and about going from meeting to meeting. You are accustomed to little breaks in between that break up the day, so even though you are at home you still need those breaks. Grab coffee in the kitchen, take a walk around the house, play a game or call a friend. Take a little time here and there for you.

5. Make it a routine

However you decide to spend the time and whatever you make of the day, just be sure to make a routine and stick to it. While there is nothing wrong with taking time for yourself you want to be sure to get what you need done and not wind up procrastinating.



Definitely hope this helps create your perfect home office space and schedule.

Remember everyday is a new day, new strengths, new thoughts. It begins with you..